Monday, December 13, 2010


Can dispositions be taught in the end? What would be your reccomendation for enhancing the dispositions of and teachers?

Disposition according to means; the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude: a girl with a pleasant disposition. With this definition in mind, we go back to the question, can dispositions be taught in the end? From my standpoint, they cannot be taught. Dispositions are a very malleable subject simply because over time and through experience, they can be enhanced and changed. If an instructor were to set up their curriculum to enhance someones disposition, wouldn't this be teaching a disposition? In a way, a disposition can and cannot be taught. I feel that dispositions aren't actually taught but students are exposed to situations that shape their disposition. One way in which teachers today could enhance their dispositions is simply by connecting with their students on a more personal level. What I mean by this is gaining an understanding of why the student is the way he/she is or acts the way they do. If teachers today could actually take the time to get to know their students and build a relationship, I feel that students would have a better incentive to excel in their learning. This, ultimately, would transform ones disposition as a teacher and ultimately make him/her a better educator in the long-run.

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